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Kamis, 08 Juni 2017

17 Ways to Increase Blog Visitors

1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Doing search engine optimization or SEO is a way of increasing the most popular blog visitors almost done by all bloggers

How come?

Because search engines are the biggest source of blog traffic on the internet. In addition, SEO is suitable for all types of blogs. Whether it's niche blogs, micro blogs, blog gado-gado, blog news, business blogs, personal blogs, blogs aja what.

But even so I do not know why there are some bloggers who think SEO is not important and just a waste of time.

SEO is important bro .... !!!

Just indeed, learning SEO is not easy because SEO is always changing from time to time. Need perseverance, patience, and unyielding spirit in order to master the science of SEO.

But ... whether to be able to get visitors from search engines should be an SEO expert?


This is what sometimes many bloggers misunderstand, especially beginner bloggers. To be able to get visitors from search engines my friend should not be a SEO expert, SEO expert, master SEO, or whatever. Enough with basic level SEO techniques alone is enough to help your blog get visitors from the search engines.

One of the example is:

Do keyword research before posting.
Make a post for Google to be liked.
In addition, avoid SEO mistakes that are often done beginners.
2. Promotion through Social Media

Many already know that social media is the second largest source of traffic after search engines, but not a few also often complain like this:

Mas, I already share the link in the status of facebook but why are not there visitors who stop by?

Mas, I have nyebar link in the facebook group but why the blog is still empty?

Just as SEO, promotion through social media is also no science, not easy nyebar link via the status of the blog continues to flooded visitors.

Here I will not give details on how effective promotion through social media, but there are some important principles you need to know if you want to promote your blog through social media.

Fairly active in one social media only
Choose social media that my friend loves, or adjust to the target of your blog visitors. If the target visitors more active on Twitter then be active on Twitter.
Use social media as the name implies
Do not use social media solely to promote your blog, because I'm sure it will not work. Use social media as the name implies, that is for social activities.
Build the reader first, new promotion
That is gini, manyin first number of friends or follower social media account buddy after that just do promotion.
3. Commenting on other people's blogs (blogwalking)

Commenting on someone else's blog is arguably the easiest way to increase blog visitors. Almost all bloggers must have done it. I used to be so.

Although this way will not be able to make your blog immediately crowded like the market, but in my opinion quite important especially for beginner bloggers.

I still remember very well when this blog got a comment from the visitor for the first time, nah visitors tesebut I get from the results commented on other people's blogs.

From the first comment that makes me the spirit and finally can be consistent blogging until now.

4. Free-sharing

Everyone likes free, I'm no exception. Because of this, for-for free on blogs can be an effective way to increase blog visitors.

This way I have applied since the beginning of this blog I created. Some of my friends would already know if I share the Free Blogger Template and also free Zombie Blog.

Of course there are many other things that can be shared free on blogs other than blogger templates and also zombie blogs.


Picture Design
And macem-macem
5. Care with visitors

This is also one that I have done since I first created this blog, which is concerned with the visitors.

Examples of such concerns can be like replying to the comments of visitors, replying to emails from visitors, and also for free for as I have explained in point number 4.

Few any visitors to your blog today, if my friend is concerned with visitors is not impossible that little visitors can be a gateway for thousands or even hundreds of thousands of other visitors.

6. Write on other people's blogs

Although I never use this way, but writing on other people's blogs or guest posts is a pretty effective way to capture readers, especially if your blog is new.

Maybe my friend was wondering:

If you can write on your own blog why should write on someone else's blog?

Because no matter how cool or how handsome the content on your blog, if your blog is new then most likely there will not be read.

Well if my friend wrote quality content on blogs of others who already have a lot of readers, then my friend can attract the attention of blog readers to visit the blog that my friend is new. And finally you get free readers.

In addition to capture the reader, guest posts are also famous mantab as one of the strategies to get quality backlinks for free. Just mantab really.

7. Active in the forum

Forums can also be a great place to attract visitors. But of course blog promotion in the forum also should not be arbitrary.

Search for forums that match the topic of your blog and be active in it by answering questions or creating useful threads.

8. Active on Q & A site

Question and answer sites actually almost no different from the forum, only this site is more focused as a place for question and answer each other.

You can be active on sites like this by answering the questions that exist, of course, while putting your blog address if necessary.

Some popular Q & A sites are:

Yahoo! Answer
9. Submit articles on social bookmarking sites

In addition to well known as one way to get free backlinks, social bookmarking sites can also be used as a source to get visitors.

Not a few loh bloggers who get thousands of visitors per day just by relying on social bookmarking sites.

10. Upload videos on Youtube

Youtube is the third most visited website in the world under Google and Facebook. It certainly makes youtube become one other source that is not less cool to get blog visitors.

You can upload videos on youtube about things related to the topic on your blog.

11. Create post titles that "tease"

Post title is the first part read by blog visitors. If the post title is not interesting and seem boring, then the possibility of blog visitors will be blurred first before reading postingannya.

In addition, the title of a post that "tease" can also make people who previously did not intend to read to be curious because the title is so "teasing" it.

12. Create a post that is HOT

HOT I mean not HOT that it, but the intention to write a post topic that again ngetrend.

For how to know what topics that are ngetrend, my friend can pantengin Google Trends.

13. Create controversial posts

This method can be very effective to invite many visitors because controversial post is very easy to spread, especially with the help of social media. But this way is also quite risky.

If you want to use this way, you must really understand what you wrote and must be ready with the negative effects (get a lot of haters).

14. Place PPC ads

I think there are rarely bloggers who blog promotion by installing PPC ads, the reason is definitely because it must ngeluarin capital.

But if my friend has a lot of money, it would not hurt to install a PCC ad.

In this case you can use a service from Google called Google AdWords.

15. Place ads on other people's blogs

Or if you do not want complicated, my friend can also advertise directly on the blog or website of others.

Try a blog that my friend has the same topic or at least related.

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