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Selasa, 06 Juni 2017

Forex Psychology For Beginner Traders: Understand It Before Loss

Still thinking Forex trading will bring you lightning profits? Take the eraser, if you need a board eraser, and get rid of that thought from your head. There is no instant profit in this world. On the contrary, there are some risks of Forex trading that we need to know.

All forex traders must have lost
Yes, that means ALL. The word is deliberately written in the form of capital for us to remember: the exact losses we can not avoid in life, including in the famous Forex trading with its lucrative offerings. Come on, who is not interested in making money just by sitting watching the movement of the charts? Here we are talking about money in MILLIONS, sometimes even MORE. But before that, of course there is a loss that we must face.

In fact, according to a lot of research results, 90 percent of traders must have lost and lost their capital. Some even say, to be successful trading, it must never feel the loss first.

If we hate defeat or fear loss, better do not continue this Forex lesson. Because such people will find it difficult to adjust to the sometimes unexpected Forex trading rhythm. Remember this: a trader, no matter how successful he is at the moment, must have lost money.

There are people who should not be trading
"APPAAAH ?! Is not everyone allowed to trade?" Hey, hey ... Quiet friend. Do not rush the lust first, before all clear.

Although everyone can and can join Forex trading, but in practice NOT EVERYONE advised to pursue this field. Especially those who ...
Does not work
Sink in debt
Unable to pay utility bills, or meet the necessities of life

The main reason why those with the above characteristics are prohibited from jumping into Forex trading is because the minimum capital for successful trading is USD500 (on mini / micro account), and that is not necessarily going to profit directly. Do not expect to get rich just with capital coins.

Many ways to minimize losses ... as long as exercise!
Just because Forex involves money, do not think all the Forex traders around the world can make a profit just by clicking the mouse. In fact only about 10% of traders are able to generate large profits. But many people who misinterpret and think with their Forex trading will be able to reap huge profits just overnight.

Well ... okay, we can indeed make a big profit with Forex trading. But big profits, will always be accompanied by risks that are not less too. After all, that is not understood by all beginner traders or those new to Forex is: the profit is not necessarily generated in a short time. To be able to profit we have a high level of discipline, such as the candidates of Miss Universe who desperately take care of body and dress up to look perfect. Such a strong will is what we must have.

The reality is, often the big losses are caused by these four things:
Do not have a trading plan
Well, we must have got a big profit. But come on, we can not call that a plan. The trading plan here not only contains trading objectives, but also what strategies and steps we will take to make trading run smoothly.
Less practice in demo account
Although trivial but trading exercises in demo account is one of the most important thing for us to become a reliable trader. Remember in movies about heroes? Hercules, Superman, Spiderman .... Before becoming a superhero, they all trained hard. Practicing swords, martial arts, lifting weights, even bitten insects! Where are we? All we have to do is practice in demo accounts for several months, before getting ready for action in live trading.
Not just school children who need discipline, forex traders as well. Discipline follows the strategy in the trading plan that has been made. Discipline regulates the capital we have. Discipline is one of the absolute things in the world of trading. Without discipline, we will often experience Margin Call. We certainly do not want this to happen, do we?
Payah manages capital
Just like investment and other investments, when trading Forex, we are required to have a money management fund management system. By having a good money management system then we will be able to control the risk of trading Forex trading. What kind of money management is good? Well, this is relative, depending on how big our capital, whether we dare to take risks or not, and how our trading strategy as well. But do not worry, we can test money management in demo account.

We can not trade in a short time then hope to be able to generate profits. So, if you still want to continue trading, we must be willing and able to patiently practice and learn.
"Then what about those who can make big profits with Forex trading?"

Usually, they are traders who are already pro with yahud trading strategy and have eaten a lot of the world's salt Forex trading, so accustomed to face big risks that can make our hearts kebat-bit just by looking at it. They can still experience loss occasionally; It's just the profit gained far greater than the loss suffered.

Well, for those of us who have just learned trading, better do it slowly, because Forex trading is not a skill that we can master in an instant. Let's read some Forex trading lessons here, while studying trading through a demo account. Demo accounts can be obtained for free, simply by signing up to any forex broker.

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