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Kamis, 08 Juni 2017

7 Ways to make money from the most popular blogs

Below is a list of the 7 most popular monetization methods that bloggers often use to make money from their blogs.

Most of the monetization methods below I've done, but there are some that I have never personally tried.

But the obvious method of monetization below is the proven methods.

1. Place an Ad

The first is the most popular among the most popular, namely by advertising on blogs.

To monetize blogs with ads there are two paths you can choose.

The first is to sign up for the Advertising Networks program or the advertising network.

Second is by offering directly to prospective advertisers to advertise on your blog or commonly referred to as Direct Advertising.

Advertising Networks

Advertising Networks or advertising network is a service program that connects advertisers with website owners or blogs.

Well if you want to make money from a program like this, my friend just need to register to the advertising network program, then my friend will be given an ad code that needs to be installed on the blog.

Earned earnings are usually calculated every time there are people who click on ads on your blog or commonly called PPC (Pay Per Click).

One of the most popular Advertising Networks programs in Indonesia is Google AdSense.

Direct Advertising

Unlike Advertising Networks, Direct Advertising is a method where you offer directly to potential advertisers to advertise on your blog.

The advantages of this method is the income of your blog can be much higher because the ads installed on the blog is not through third party intermediaries.

The price of advertising itself varies, generally adjusting to the amount and quality of the end of the blog.

Although my friend can get higher results, but this way can be spelled out is not easy. The reason is because my friend should be able to find potential advertisers who are willing to advertise on your blog.

2. Paid Review

Paid review or paid posts is a method of monetization where we earn revenue by reviewing products or services owned by people through posting on our blog.

Basically it is no different from Direct Advertising, only difference if Direct Advertising ads in the form of an advertisement banner, while paid review advertisement in the form of posting review.

One of Indonesia bloggers who are successful in applying this monetization method is Priangga blog owner www.priangga.web.id.

3. Sell your own product

Selling your own product is one of the best blog monetization methods that can be done. The reason is because by selling your own product you can earn more times more than the use of other methods of monetization.

If using this method can be spelled friends do not make money from blogs directly, because the income you get is from the sales. While the function of the blog that my friend managed later only as a place to promote products that my friend sold.

Indeed what can be sold through blogs, Mas?

Products that can be sold through blogs are divided into two types.

Namely physical products and digital products.

For physical products almost anything can be sold through blogs. But of course the products sold should be in accordance with the topic of your blog.

For example blogs discuss about birds, then my friend can sell birds medicine.
For example your blog discuss about motivation, my friend can sell motivational books.
For example my blog discuss about gadgets, my friend can sell gadgets.
And so forth
As for digital products that can be sold through blogs are usually products such as:

Ebook (Electronic Book)
Theme Website
Design images
Selling your own products through blogs is of course not an easy thing. First buddy must have a product to sell, both buddy should be able to search for targeted blog visitors to buy a product that my friend sold.

4. Sell your own services

In addition to your product can also sell services through blogs. This monetization method is perfect for a friend who has expertise that can be channeled over the Internet.


If you are a design buddy, you can provide design services
If you write good friends, you can provide article writing services
If my friend make a website, my friend can provide website creation services
One example of a blog that is quite successful Indonesia offers services through the blog is dzofar.com.

Dzofar.com is a personal blog which contains tutorials on drawing vector and blog admin using its blog as a place to promote its vector drawing services.
5. Following the affiliate program

For friends who do not have their own products to sell or have no expertise that can be used as services, following the affiliate program is another alternative that can be selected.

Affiliate is a program where we help promote the products or services of others and we will get a commission if we successfully sell the product.

To follow an affiliate program like this you can find a provider of products or services that provide affiliate programs or can also through affiliate network.

6. Provide a membership program

A membership program is one method of monetization that I have never personally tried.

But this method of monetization has been proven to provide a decent income because many Indonesian and foreign bloggers who have proven it.

The membership program is basically a program where you provide premium content on your blog and premium content can only be accessed by the end of the member who has become a member by paying some money.

7. Blog sales

The last method of monetization is to sell blogs.

So you earn money by making blogs continue to sell these blogs to others.

Is there someone who buys, Mas?

Outside there are many beginner bloggers who are lazy to create blogs from scratch. If you have money they usually prefer to buy a ready-made blog.

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