There may still be some who think that Satoshi Nakamoto is a real person like any other inventor. The following section in the last section on Bitcoin History, the last section, is to discuss some of the Hints on Satoshi.
The name Satoshi Nakamoto, is a pseudonym, used and adopted by the creator of Bitcoin. The name was communicated extensively when Bitcoin was first buzzed. Meanwhile, the connection with the original identity to this day is still mysterious. The question that often arises is what is the foundation for starting Bitcoin? What ideas influence and motivate to create Bitcoin?
Satoshi said that he started making Bitcoin code since May 2007. However, there are some things that may not support his statement. Some of these things, Satoshi registered the domain in August 2008. Since then, Satoshi started emailing his personal email to some people who he might think would be interested in his proposal about Bitcoin. It was not until October 2008 that Satoshi Nakamoto publicly released a whitepaper describing the Bitcoin protocol. After that, Satoshi also released the initial code of Bitcoin.
For about two years, since Satoshi released a whitepaper and Bitcoin code, he diligently provided many explanations for many people's questions, replied to many people's emails, and also responded to the attention of people interested in his ideas. From the programming side of Bitcoin, it provides patches for Bitcoin code. He then maintains the source code in relation to other developers, by fixing the problems that arise. Then, in December 2010, when many took over the maintenance of the Bitcoin project, Satoshi stopped communicating with them.
There is no indication that Satoshi Nakamoto was a man or a woman, but many reasons also pointed out that Satoshi is a man, because the name Satoshi Nakamoto is a male name. Likewise is the case with whether Satoshi is an individual or a few people who use the same name?
If you see from all the interactions made online with the name, then we can imagine if some people share the same user account would be against each other. Likewise in the style of writing and also the same sound used. It is these things that make sure that the activities of someone under the pseudonym of Satoshi Nakamoto are an individual, not a few.
In addition, from writing and patching the code it writes can be seen that someone with full understanding of the structure of bitcoin code and all things related to Bitcoin design. It makes sense to have just the same person who has written the basic code and also wrote the Bitcoin whitepaper. As soon as Bitcoin is released, Satoshi is also quick when giving attributes of help he receives from other contributors. Satoshi may come out of his character, if he chooses to mislead something he finds himself if he ever gets help from someone else.
Maybe some of us have a question, what does Satoshi know about ecash history? We can see it from the quote he wrote in the Bitcoin whitepaper. There, Satoshi cites several references to his whitepaper as well as on the early bitcoin site. Satoshi gives some quotations on basic cryptographic papers as well as probability theory. He also cites the time-stamping that has been discussed in the discussion before this. All of this becomes quite natural that it bases the design of the Bitcoin block chain on the reference it links to, since its relevance is quite clear.
In addition Satoshi also cites Hashcash's idea of computing a pretty similar puzzle and used in Bitcoin. Satoshi also has a reference to b-money, then, on the Bitcoin website, he adds a reference to Bitgold as well as Hal Finney's scheme to using puzzle solving solutions in computing.
But if we look at email exchanges made publicly by people who have been in touch with Satoshi Nakamoto then, it can be said that the proposal on b-money has really been added, on the advice of Adam Back. Satoshi then sent an email to Wei Dai who had created b-money, and Wei Dai told him about Bitgold. Furthermore, Satoshi was much in touch with Hal Finney, it became a plausible explanation for why he gave a quote from Finney's work on the website.
From here, it makes sense to create Bitcoin, Hashcash and time-stamping, which Satoshi knows from ecash history and relevant thinking about what he does. After he learned that b-money and Bitgold, Satoshi seemed to appreciate its relevance enough. In mid-2010, Wikipedia's article on Bitcoin was flagged for the removal of the Wikipedia editor. That's because they think it's not so important. There is some discussion afterwards, between Satoshi and others about how the word article in Wikipedia is so acceptable. At that time, Satoshi suggested an explanation of Bitcoin: "Bitcoin is an implementation of bai money proposal by Wei Dai at Cypherpunks in 1998 and Bitgold proposal by Nick Szabo". At this point, Satoshi sees Bitcoin's position as an extension of the two ideas, or as an implementation of both systems beforehand, which explains how it works.
So what about the others, like the Chaum scheme and also the credit card proposal that we previously also discussed? Satoshi in this case does not give any indication that can be used as a reference. Satoshi gave no reference to these two proposals, as they are not relevant to Bitcoin. The Bitcoin model uses completely different decentralization, so there is no reason that it can be used to include a centralized system that has failed.
Satoshi also mentioned this, with a cursory mention of Chaum's ecash in one of his posts in the Bitcoin forum. Satoshi in his post wrote another proposal called He notes that many people will talk about the old system of Chaum, perhaps it is because then it is only that which is available. Perhaps many people will be more interested in new things.
Many people have ignored e-currency because of its failure, and have caused many companies to fail since the 90s. Reflecting on that, Satoshi feels that will be the time by trying decentralization, a non-belief-based system. It gives a pretty good idea of what Satoshi thinks of the previous proposal, and specifically how he feels Bitcoin is different. Decentralization on Bitcoin is indeed a feature that distinguishes it from almost everything we have seen before.
There is an interesting quote from Satoshi, the quote indicates that he may not be an academic. Most academic researchers think to write down ideas as soon as possible, before they build a system. In this regard, Satoshi took the opposite step.
Satoshi said, "I really make Bitcoin in an upside-down way. I have to write down all the code before I can convince myself that I can solve every problem, then I write it down. I was thinking I would be able to release the code faster than I write down the details of its specifications ".
So why did Satoshi keep its anonymity? There are many possible reasons for the answer. It could be that Satoshi is just having fun using the name. Due to the fact, many people who write novels with anonymous, there are also Banksy graffiti artists who look to maintain their anonymity. While in a community where Satoshi was heavily involved then, the Cypherpunk community and cryptographic mailinglist, is a community that is already common for someone to post anonymously.
On the other hand, there may be concerns in the law for which Satoshi chooses to defend his anonymity. Two American companies, Liberty Reserve and also e-Gold, which ultimately to the green table for the alleged money laundering. One of the founders of Liberty Reserve fled from America in 2006. Fearful that he will be charged also for money laundering cases. While the founder of E-Gold, living in America, proved and finally admitted his mistake. This guilty plea just before Satoshi created the Bitcoin website, and sent many people via email about his proposal.
Could be, because of concerns about certain aspects of ecash patents. Earlier members of the Cypherpunk movement were also worried about applying the ecash system because of the patent. In fact, there's a post on the cypherpunk mailinglist that suggests that a bunch of coders apply ecash anonymously, so that if anyone demands, they will not be able to trace them and find them. Although it would be difficult if Bitcoin infringes on the patent, given the big difference in design. So Satoshi might think to be more careful, or just be inspired by the idea of an anonymous coder from the cypherpunk community.
Or it could be that Satoshi has a lot of Bitcoin from its initial mining, because Bitcoin's current success, of course, is now worth quite a lot. Of course this is also a reasonable excuse. Choosing anonymous use is not a one-time decision, because it is something that will be done continuously. When he first used Satoshi Nakamoto, he did not even release a whitepaper or Bitcoin code base. It's hard enough to imagine that the idea will work. It seems that at one point in history to start, Satoshi is also optimistic but remains cautious about this Bitcoin prospect. Apparently, Satoshi also understands that many previous attempts failed, including the possibility that Bitcoin might fail as well.
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