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Kamis, 08 Juni 2017

20 Beginning SEO Mistakes to Avoid

Already feel doing the right SEO but blog buddies are still empty visitors like a grave?

If so, then chances are you use SEO techniques that are less precise so that your blog is difficult to compete in search engines.

Well to find out if my friend is using the correct or wrong SEO techniques, please check list of 20 SEO mistakes that are often done by beginners below:

SEO Beginner Error
SEO Beginner Error
1. Learning SEO is not from basic

Just a few weeks studying SEO, but have learned techniques such as pyramid links, links wheels, drunk gods links, bad links, and so forth without really understanding some basic things about SEO.

Quite important to understand what exactly is SEO, what is blackhat and whitehat SEO, what is backlinks, how search engines work, how Google Algorithm works, and so forth.

If we learn SEO is not from basic then when we use SEO techniques is not clear and the technique is no longer working, then the edges we will be confused.

2. Forgetting keyword research

Not doing keyword research is the most common mistake made by beginners. Do not be surprised if your blog visitors quiet even though your blog is in the top position of search engines. That's because my friend did not do proper keyword research.

For a complete tutorial on how to do a proper keyword research, please be able to read my post which is titled the way keyword research is most telling.

3. Create arbitrary content

Choosing the right keywords is not enough, we also need to create content that is really qualified to be liked by Google.

Creating quality content is also not just for Google, but also for our blog readers, because that's the main purpose.

Do not forget to read my post about how to make Google favorable articles.

4. Not using Google webmaster tools

Google provides some free tools that are very important for SEO purposes. One of the tools that must be used is Google webmaster tools.

With Google webmaster tools we can see how the performance of our blog in search engines. We can see our blog like how Google sees our blog.

We can check backlinks, the most popular keywords, the number of index pages, various errors that exist in our blog, and much more.

So a big mistake if we do not make maximum use of this one tool.

5. Not optimizing title and description meta

Most beginner SEOers just think of how to be in the top position of search engines regardless of how their blog appears in search engines.

It's useless if your blog appears in the top position but the title and description of your blog does not attract the attention of google users to click it.

6. Believe the same code meta tag magic

I quite often get questions like this:

Mas, for the SEO meta tag code dong

Still quite a lot of beginners who think just by using a meta code tag specially blognya going to appear in the top rankings of search engines. Install any meta tag code without really understanding what the function of the codes is.

Indeed there are some meta tag code that is important enough role for SEO, for example meta code description tag. But the effect of these codes is not great on SEO blog buddy.

7. Do not use variations of anchor text

I'm sure most of my friends already know, if looking for backlinks then better to use keyword target keyword as anchor text.

But the use of keywords as an anchor text in excess is not good because it would endanger your blog because it will be considered spam.

So when looking for backlinks do not 100% just use the target keyword as anchor text. Use keyword related variations or use your blog name as anchor text.

8. Do not do internal linking

Internal links are important so that the end and search engines can more easily explore other posts that relavan on your blog.

Internal linking also has many other benefits, such as improving pageview and also lower bounce rate of your blog.

9. Too think of keyword density

What percentage should a keyword appear in one post? 1%, 2%, 3%, or 50%?

The answer: it does not matter.

Just write aja post naturally, do not be too thinking about the name keyword density. The most important keyword that my target buddy appears in the post. Whether it's in the headline, in the first paragraph, in the last paragraph, etc.

The issue of what percentage does not matter at all.

10. Using Bold, Italic, Underline excessively

One of the old school SEO techniques is still quite widely used by beginners. That is using Bold, Italic, and Underline excessively.

The use of such a method is not effective at all because it will not help improve your blog rankings, even it will disrupt the convenience of your blog readers.

Just use bold, italic, or underline if it's really needed.

11. Not paying attention to blog loading speed

Google is very concerned about the speed of loading a blog or website. That's because google wants to provide the best experience for google users by prioritizing web-web with fast loading at the top position of search results.

If you have a blog then it is better to stop immediately from now using the widgets are excessive and the knick-knacks blog that is not important. Because all that would just make your blog becomes heavy.

12. Not using mobile-friendly design

Today's mobile-friendly design has been one factor by Google to rank the web in search results, especially on mobile devices.

The reason is obvious, now mobile device users are already very much, more than the users of desktop computers.

For an in-depth review of this topic please read my one post.

13. Just focus on finding backlinks

It's no secret that backlinks are the most important factor of SEO. But do not just focus on backlinks because now there are so many other factors that affect SEO.

Watch SEO onpage blog buddy, quality content in your blog, the popularity of your blog, social media, and so forth.

14. More concerned with quantity rather than quality backlinks

When you look for backlinks, do not just think of getting as many backlinks as possible, but focus on quality.

Look for backlinks from sites or blogs that are relevant to your blog and also sites that have authority.

15. Still a hobby of link exchange

Link exchange is one example of the method of finding quality backlinks. This method is old school and is no longer effective, but it seems there are still quite a few who do it.

Link exchange is not only the ineffective method of backlinks, but also dangerous for your blog because it is included in the category of Link Schemes that Google hates.

If my friend still do so do not be sorry if your blog is exposed to penalty Google Algorithm.

16. Check out SEO scores at chkme.com

I quite often get questions like this:

Mas, my blog SEO score is 100% but why not appear on google ya?

This is an example of a blogger who does not learn SEO from basic. It's important to know that Google uses more than 200 factors to rank web pages on the internet.

While chkme.com uses only a few factor seeds as the SEO score scores. So it can not be used as a reference score SEO, because SEO does not have a score.

17. Too obsessed with PageRank, Domain Authority, Page Authority, Alexa rank, etc.

Still related to SCORE. One of the other mistakes that beginners often do is too obsessed with scores such as PageRank, DA, PA, Alexa Rank, and so forth.

Especially for PageRank as we know that google does not update again. So it's not at all important to think about.

To judge whether the SEO we do is successful or not is not by looking at PR, DA, PA, and Alexa Rank, but see the number of visitors to your blog, see how much your AdSense blog buddy income, see how successful products sold. Because that's the most important.

18. Only rely on SEO to bring in visitors

If my friend just created a blog or website, then it is important to not only rely on search engines as a place to find visitors.

At least for 6 months to 1 year first do not focus too much on SEO, but use other methods such as promotion through social media, blogwalking, or social bookmarking.

19. Expect instant results from SEO

SEO getting here is getting harder because google is getting smarter. So do not ever expect instant results from SEO because all need a process.

Do not worry if maybe the first few months your blog is still difficult to compete in search engines. The important thing is to be consistent.

20. Not learning from SEO Masters

The last one is the most important. Learn the same people who have proven their experience. When my friend googling search for information about SEO then do not easily believe with the tutorials of bloggers are less clear origin.

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